Beyond Red: Uncovering Strawberries’ Eye-Opening Rainbow of Colors.

1. Strawberry Yangmei

It looks a lot like lychee, but this is a Chinese strawberry. The taste of Yangmei strawberry and the strawberry we eat every day is not much different.


2. Giant Strawberry

Thanks to developments in growing technology as well as favorable weather conditions, the appearance of this giant strawberry is certainly not too surprising. Its shape, color and taste are the same as the small strawberries we normally eat. SSS Strawberry Farm in Australia is the place to grow strongly and has the largest strawberry variety in the world.


3. Bright blue strawberries

The taste of this special strawberry is like red strawberries but has a shiny, metallic shine. Currently, this type of strawberry is also quite popular and you can find it in many stores or supermarkets in many worlds.


4. Purple Strawberry

With an unusual plum flavor, these purple strawberries are not only very pleasing to the eye, but also have a very special and unique taste.


5. White Strawberry

Another unusual white strawberry with a pineapple-like aroma will leave many viewers stunned. This is a variety of Pineberry strawberry that is sold a lot in supermarkets in the UK. When ripe, the berries will turn white and the eyes dark red.


6. Green Strawberries

There will be people who think this strawberry is a defective or albino product. But in fact, this sour fruit is a special strawberry and certainly one of the strangest strawberries you will ever taste.


7. Golden Strawberry

This is one of the rare varieties of strawberry, which has a unique shape as well as a rather unusual color. These strawberries tend to grow longer than normal and are pear shaped rather than teardrop shaped like regular strawberries. Yellow strawberries are considered by consumers to have a sweeter and richer taste than red strawberries, which are grown a lot in European countries.


8. Black Strawberry

People often confuse blackberries with blackberries because apart from the size difference they are often quite similar in shape. But blackberries have a 100% strawberry flavor and are one of the most popular in the UK.


9. Blue Strawberries

Topping the ranking of the world’s strangest strawberry varieties, blue strawberries make many people worry or question whether this strawberry is a photoshop product or has been impregnated with any chemicals.

But the truth is not so, blue strawberries are bred by scientists with a special gene – the gene encoding antifreeze protein (AFP) from arctic halibut leading to color variation. Green strawberries have a much longer shelf life than the common strawberry varieties mentioned above if stored carefully.


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