17 Gorgeous Variety Types of Pansies


Pansies were my mother’s favorite flowers. Every year I watched her as she planned the best time to plant these special flowers, and every time they bloomed, we shared her genuine happiness.

Pansies bloom in the cold season when most flowers shy away from the harsh weather. It’s a proud plant holding its flowers high and flaunting a multitude of colors.

Let’s take a closer look at some of its amazing varieties and see when is the best time to enjoy them.

Delta Speedy Purple

The Delta Speedy Purple pansies are deep purple with a faint blotch. They’re annuals that bloom late fall through winter in the south and west, and early spring in the north, Zone 7-10. This variety has masses of large upward-facing blooms, reaching a height of 6-8”. They are very tolerant of harsh weather, and they have a continuing flower capacity even under low light.

Delta Premium Blue Morpho

The Delta Premium Blue Morpho annuals have deep blue tones at the fringes of the petals, with pure white, yellow, and navy blue morphing streaks. It’s mesmerizing to look at, and a pleasure when it blooms.

It’s quite tolerant to all weather conditions, typically zone 7-10, and it’s one of the few pansies that bloom in the warmer weather. They’re 4-6” high so they would look lovely as garden edging.

Cool Wave Morpho

These Cool Wave Morpho pansies are long-lasting and retain their bright pastel blue and yellow bloom throughout the spring and fall seasons. They’re easy to care for and hold up well in rain and adverse weather.

They have a spreading habit that cascades over pots up to as much as 30”. They can be planted as a spiller, or as a dramatic groundcover.

Heat Elite Scarlet Shades

The Heat Elite Scarlet Shades pansies have large flowers and short stems. They are velvety red with dark veins, which makes them truly warm and classy.

They are compact as they grow, but they branch generously. They maintain their shape and bloom proudly throughout the season, even when the light isn’t abundant.

Wonderfall Yellow with Red Wing


Wonderfall Yellow With Red Wing pansies are bicolor with vibrant yellow and red tones, this flower blooms in the spring and fall, it’s good over zone 7-10 like most pansies.

It has a trailing habit, and it vigorously spreads in the garden than regular pansies. It reaches a height of 8-10”, more so with exposure to the sun.

Colossus Yellow with Blotch


The Colossus Yellow with Blotch Pansies have extra-large blooms and extra-high tolerance for heat and humidity. They are also zone 7-10, flowering in spring, late spring, summer, and fall.

They’re not too tall, with a cute height of 4-5”. They look lovely in flower beds or as balcony potted plants, and the sun would actually do them good.

Mammoth Glamarama White

The Mammoth Glamarama white pansy with a blotch is even bigger than the colossus, so it can easily fill a larger pot with its size and vigor. It can take a little more heat without becoming stressed, and it adapts nicely to different growing regimes. It blooms from spring till fall, going briefly through the summer. It’s not too tall with a height of 4-5”, and besides being great potted, it will look amazing in your entrance and front yard.

Frizzle Sizzle Raspberry

The Frizzle Sizzle Raspberry Pansy ruffled pink flowers are spectacular, and they look their best in containers or in scenic flower beds. They exhibit their ruffling the most in cool weather, so plant them in the fall for best results. They have a medium height of 6-9” and a full 3” bloom.

Inspire Purple with Orange


The Inspire Purple with orange are large, proud, upward-facing purple and orange pansy flowers. They do inspire all this and also resilience. They can stand the heat and north winters, they wouldn’t stretch, and they’ll bloom throughout the season.

They’re compact plants that grow to 5-6”, they adapt well, and show their strength under all conditions.

Halloween II


The Halloween II variety are unique pure black pansies. These winter-hardy plants can be tall with 8-12” height, they are usually well-branched and heavy blooming.

Plant their seeds in cell packs or flats, press them into the soil barely covered. They need darkness to germinate, so cover them and keep their temperature around 65-70 degrees, and then transplant them into the garden after 14-21 days.

Tiger Eye Red


The Tiger Eye Red Pansy is a wildly exciting print and shade. These pansies are early flowering, with a developed habit, moderate height, and a high tolerance for growing beside other varieties. They are guaranteed to brighten up the winter season, and especially around Halloween.

Pansy Ultima Morpho


The Pansy Ultima Morpho is an award-winning variety for a good reason. Its 2-½” flowers are upward-facing and it’s highly floriferous.

The Morpho is characterized by a unique color pattern, where bright pastel blue merges into a yellow center. It’s well suited for spring and fall planting, where it will look great in a pot or handsomely decorating the garden.

Pansy Cool Wave Sunshine ‘n Wine

The Pansy Cool Wave Sunshine ‘n Wine yellow flowers have a deep maroon color seeping into the petals and drawing little whiskers around the middle. This color blast will survive the harsh weather and bloom nicely in the spring and fall seasons.

Pansy Desiderio Tricolor Orchid

The white of these Pansy Desiderio Tricolor Orchid petals contrasts sharply with the pink shades, and it’s all complemented by the slight ruffling in the edges. It has a compact plan habit, it’s tall with 8” of growth, and it blooms in the early spring and fall seasons.

Freefall XL Victoriana


Freefall XL Victoriana has a rich purple and pure white color mix, and as they contrast, they also make the distinct happy face marking unique to pansies. It has a remarkably quick flowering time, and a non-tangling habit. It’s 4-6” high with large flowers, which makes it perfect for hanging baskets and scenic arrangements.

Horned Pansy Angel Amber Kiss

The Horned Pansy Angel Amber Kiss golden-orange-brown color blast of this flower makes it spectacular in path edgings, containers, and front lawn flower beds. It’s a biennial plant that flowers nicely April-July.

Adonis Pansy


The Adonis Pansy is a majestically large flower with a lovely blue and white color combinations. It has a height of 6-8”, and it blooms from May to September. They are well-suited for containers, hanging baskets, flower beds, and borders.

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