A large collection of vegetables, tubers and fruits

1. Giant zucchini

Mr. Phillip Vowles, 61 years old, is the head of the “Giant Vegetables and Tubers” contest held at the Liaharry Giant Fruit and Vegetable Fair more than a month ago. . However, it’s a pity that your zucchini is only 4 ounces less than the zucchini that holds the world record for Guinea.


Mr. Phillip said: “I really regret not being able to set a new Guinness world record. But it’s still the biggest pumpkin I’ve ever grown. I have been saving my seeds for the past 25 years. I have bees and I am still growing giant vegetables for the Aal vegetable fair. In addition, he will definitely increase from 9 to 13 kg, and we will set a new extraordinary record. Anyway, I still have some bulbs and fruits growing. I will definitely break Guinness’s record. .”


So who is the job of zυcchini, the Guinness world record holder? That is Mr. Ken Dade from Norfolk, USA with a bomb weighing 51.6 kg. He posted it in 2008. This pumpkin forced me to move somewhere else.


2. Super giant potatoes

Gardener Peter Glazebrook is the owner of a potato weighing 3.76 kg. Impressive potato tubers on display at the National Horticultural Exhibition in Shepto Mallet, Egladia.


Mr. Glazebrook also holds the record for growing the tallest carrot tree in the world, over 50cm. He shared: “The secret to success lies in how I choose seeds. I also learned how to grow those plants well and I am constantly learning and improving myself. I often buy gardening books for reference. “


But Mr. Peter Glazebrook’s potatoes are still not the biggest. With a record of 11.3kg, Mr. Khalil Semhat officially established the Guinness world record in 2009. Mr. Khalil said: “I have been gardening since I was a child but until now I have never seen a potato.” so big. “


Mr. Khalil added: “I often take advantage of my free time to grow crops and especially do not use pesticides or chemicals to stimulate growth.” Mr. Khalil was very proud. about potatoes as well as its prestigious awards.


3. Super Large Jackfruit

Jackfruit became familiar in Southeast Asia and it was not until 1888 that it migrated to Hawaii. Grown on the famous American island of Hawaii, this record-breaking jackfruit weighs up to 60 kg with a circumference of 1.2 meters.


4. The tallest cucumber in the world

Englishwoman Clare Pearce’s cucumber was at least 1.19 m long from tip to tip where it was woven. But if you measure the curves, the length of the tone will increase by another 10 cm. The current world record for the tallest trophy was set by Frak Dimmock from Thame, Oxfordshire, Eglad two years ago with a trophy 1.04m high.


5. Carrots from Guinness World Record Heaviest Carrots John Evas is the Guinness world record holder for the heaviest carrot in the world (8.61 kg). Mr. Joh Evas is a teacher with more than 40 years of experience in the agricultural field. During those 40 years, a lot of experience has been accumulated in fertilizer processing, irrigation, and proper care…


The largest carrot


Joe Atherto holds the Guinness world record for tallest carrot (19 feet). To grow them, Joe used 21-foot-long plastic pipes. They take 14 months to develop.6. The world’s largest watermelon With a weight of up to 122 kg, Mr. Lloyd Bright’s family has become the owner of the world’s prestigious Guinness Award. Before that, his family also owned the 2 heaviest tunes in the world but there was still a long way to go to reach this 122 kg achievement.


7. The world’s largest green cabbage carrot is Joh Evas Gai, who set the Guinness world record with the world’s heaviest carrot. My green cabbage weighs 34.4 kg, looks very large. His record was set in 1998.


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