A Springtime Extravaganza: See 15 Perennials That Will Bloom Brilliantly in March

Are you considering sowing some perennials in March, but you’re not sure where to begin? Depending on your hardiness zone, you may pick from a wide variety of perennial perennials. Expert gardener Jill Drago discusses her favorite blooming perennials to sow in March in this post!

For many gardeners, the month of March holds great promise. Early bulbs start to blossom, the fear of snow diminishes, and buds start to appear. Perennials and shrubs may be springing to life, depending on where you live. Some could be clearing snow off their driveways and planning to tidy up their gardens.

Sowing new seeds is a terrific method to pass the time after you have finished preparing your gardens for the spring and are eagerly waiting for your plants to grow! All you’ll need to start your indoor seed sowing is a few simple supplies.


Large lan of the flowering plant Campanula spp. In the sunny garden. This ground cover plant has small, pale green, jagged leaves and small bell-shaped purple flowers.

Gorgeous purple bell-shaped blossoms adorn bellflower bushes. Bellflowers come in a wide variety of forms; some are annuals, while others are biennials or perennials. Summertime blooms will continue into autumn. Plant bellflowers so that they may cascade over a rock wall or as a ground cover.

When the chance of frost has passed in the spring, sow your bellflower seeds. Don’t cover the seeds with garden dirt; instead, gently press them into the ground. The seeds will be able to receive all the sunshine they require to germinate as a result. Water to maintain a slightly damp but not soggy soil. In around two weeks, seedlings will begin to sprout.

Blue Flax

The close -up of Linum Perenne flowering flowers in the sunny garden. The flowers are small, saucer-shaped, bright blue with yellow centers.

This is a stunning perennial wildflower that is highly reliable. When blue flax is planted in large quantities, the most beautiful periwinkle show will result. The long, slender stems support the one-inch saucer-shaped blooms that develop on top. Blue flax grows well in heat and humidity and requires very little upkeep, including water.

If you want to grow blue flax inside, you should do it 6–8 weeks before to your final frost. Another option is to sow your seeds directly into your garden.

If you choose to do so, just disperse the seeds throughout the earth without covering them. Till seedlings start to appear, keep the soil damp! In two to three weeks, germination will become apparent.


The close-up of the bee pollinating Dianthus Caryophyllus flowers, against the background of the blue sky. The flowers are small, double, and consist of magnificently rounded flower heads of thin pale pink petals with cut edges.

Everyone has seen the carnations you can get at the florist, but did you realize that the same flowers also make exquisite garden plants? Though they can be found in a variety of hues, the pink, red, or white spectrum is where you’ll find these ruffly blossoms most frequently. Plant these lovely perennials with caution since they are resistant to deer but not bunnies!You can put carnation seeds outdoors once the danger of frost has passed, or you can grow them indoors 6–8 weeks before your final frost.

Most likely, the first year your carnations are planted, they won’t blossom. In around a week, you should see seedlings sprouting if you keep the soil wet.

Creeping Thyme

The close -up of the flowering Thymus Serpyllum on a blurry background in a sunny garden. The plant has wood stems covered with tiny oval green leaves and small tubular pink flowers. The bee pollinates Thymus flowers.

Thyme creeper is a lovely and simple ground cover to grow. Tiny green leaves on woody stalks make up the plant. There will be a ton of little pink blossoms all over these stalks. In warmer climes, creeping thyme is evergreen.Because creeping thyme is hardy and resistant to insects, deer, and other pests, plant it in a high-traffic location or as a border around your food plants.

Plant your creeping thyme seeds directly in your garden as soon as the weather reaches about 60 degrees. You may start them inside eight to ten weeks before your last frost if you’d like. Within a month, germination will be visible. Keep the soil wet till then.


The close -up of the blooming Delphinium in the garden on the blurry background of the flowering garden. The plant has a high stem covered with rich blue bell-shaped flowers with black centers.

These blue beauties are becoming commonplace in gardens designed in the summer cottage style. The blooms grow on spires, and their growth habit is erratic. Although delphiniums are commonly associated with blue tones, they may also be found in pink and white tones.Technically, delphiniums are a biannual. But if you sow seeds each year, your lovely blossoms won’t stop for a year. You may plant these seeds straight in the ground when the danger of frost has passed, or you can grow them indoors 8–10 weeks before your last frost date.

Keep the seeds damp but not overly so by covering them with ⅛ inch of dirt. In two to three weeks, germination should be visible.


Top view, close -up of the blooming plant Tanacetum Parthenium on a blurred green background. The plant has many tiny white daisy-like flowers with bright yellow centers.

The Victorian era saw a rise in the popularity of the lovely flower feverfew. Tiny, scented daisy-like blossoms in shades of white and yellow will cover the shrub. These flowers are frequently used for medical purposes as well as in teas.If the flowers are allowed to remain on the plant, feverfew will reseed. Feverfew, however, will continue to bloom until the first frost if you deadhead the elder blooms before they go to seed.

Directly sow your feverfew seeds in the ground approximately one month ahead of your typical last frost date. Alternatively, you can sow them indoors 8–10 weeks ahead of your typical last frost date. Do not cover these seeds with dirt; instead, just press them into the ground. In two to three weeks, seedlings ought to start to sprout.


Сlose -up of the blooming Hollyhocks plant in the deciduous green garden. The plant has tall strong stems covered with lobed, hairy, dark green leaves and large single cup-shaped pale-pink flowers with greenish-yellow centers.

Hollyhocks are the ideal perennial for a rustic garden. Their towering stems twirl with exquisite flowers that display an array of hues. These perennials are thought to have a limited lifespan of two to three years. Deadheading wasted blooms will encourage fresh blossoms and increase the plant’s lifespan.You may directly put hollyhock seeds into your garden as soon as there is no longer a risk of frost. Alternatively, you may start your seeds indoors 8–10 weeks prior to your normal last frost date and transplant them around 1 month following your last frost date.

Use taller pots rather than trays when planting seeds inside so the tap roots have more space to spread out.For optimal results, soak seeds for an entire night. Soak seeds in the ground; do not cover. In around two weeks, you should start to see seedlings if you keep the soil wet.

Joe Pye Weed

Close-up of a flowering Eutrochium dubium against a blurred background of pale green foliage. The stems are tall, burgundy and support large foamy purple flowers that will develop into attractive seed heads.

Joe pye weed is a stunning perennial wildflower that would look fantastic in a moist spot in your yard or in your butterfly garden. The tall perennial Joe Pye plant has leathery leaves on robust stems.Large, frothy purple blossoms on their stems will develop into eye-catching seedheads. If you let these seedheads remain on the plant, they will provide color to your winter garden.

Eight weeks or so before your final frost, sow seeds inside. For optimal results, cold-stratify these seeds in your refrigerator for around two months.

To guarantee that the seeds receive enough sunshine to germinate, press them into the soil without covering them. Till the seeds sprout, keep the soil damp.


Close-up of a flowering Lupine plant in a sunny garden. The plant has tall spiky inflorescences consisting of bright pink pea-like flowers. The leaves are palmately compound, palmately divided, dark green.

One of the most beautiful types of perennial flowers are lupine blossoms. They have distinctively spiky blossoms and a beautiful assortment of hues, but their deep purple flowers are what make them so sought for. The family Legume includes the lupine.Because these plants fix nitrogen in the soil, they are excellent choices for growing in areas with poor soil or low maintenance requirements.

When the earth has warmed up in the spring, plant your seeds. Direct seeding is the best option because lupines dislike being relocated. To help soften the exterior seed covering, soak the seeds for the entire night.Next, sow the seeds ¼ inch deep into the ground. In two to four weeks, lupines sown in full light will start to sprout. It’s likely that these perennials won’t blossom until their second year.

Painted Daisy

Close-up of blooming flowers of Tanacetum coccineum in a sunny garden, against a blurred green background. The flowers are large, daisy-like, with bright pink narrow double petals and bright yellow round centers.

Painted daisies are a fantastic option if you want to give your yard a pop of color! Frilly foliage on daisies provides support for their cheery, vibrant blossoms. These blooms endure a long time and may withstand minor insect damage.When used as cut flowers in bouquets, daisy blooms also have a lovely appearance. Include this perennial in both your cutting garden and butterfly garden.

When the time comes to plant your painted daisy seeds outside, use a soft rake to gently loosen the soil in your garden. Distribute the seeds evenly over the soil and gently cover with approximately ⅛ inch of garden soil. In 14 days, you should see seedlings starting to sprout if you keep the soil wet.


Close-up of many blooming Helenium autumnale flowers in a sunny garden. The flowers are small, have a round convex pad in the center, surrounded by orange-yellow petals. The leaves are lanceolate, blue-green, with serrated edges.

If you want to add a pop of gorgeous color to your late summer or fall gardening, sneezeweed is a terrific option. These flowers have brilliant red, orange, or yellow petals surrounding a lovely pincushion core. To achieve the most impact, sow these seeds in large quantities.Deer seldom eat sneezeweed, and it needs no care other than occasional watering. Gather some blossoms from the sneezeweed to enjoy indoors as well. Their vase life is rather long.

Helenium, often known as sneezeweed, can be seeded outdoors in the early spring or inside eight to ten weeks before your final frost. After sowing the seeds, hardly cover them with dirt. These seeds should sprout in two to three weeks.

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