A tourism haven in an unexpected Asian nation

Let’s take a look at the unique works of the 8th Tourist Art Photography Contest to continue loving…

Việt Nam - Thiên đường du lịch

(Cinet) – The award ceremony and exhibition of the 8th Travel Art Photography Contest “I love Vietnam” has just honored the authors with the most beautiful photographs. Let’s take a look at the unique works of the 8th Tourist Art Photography Contest to love and be more proud of Vietnam, a tourist paradise. The photo shows the work “Colors of the Sea” by author Tran Bao Hoa, which won first prize in this year’s contest.

Việt Nam - Thiên đường du lịch

The work “Ta Phin in the Rushing Water Season” by Tran Quang Loc won second prize in the 8th National Tourism Art Photography Competition. The Tourism Art Photography Contest has been held since 1990 with an ever-increasing scale and ever-improving quality. After 8 editions, the Contest has attracted hundreds of authors with tens of thousands of works of art.

Việt Nam - Thiên đường du lịch

The work “Sublimation” by Pham Gia Chien won second prize in the 8th National Tourism Art Photography Contest. This year, after 6 months of launch, the Contest has attracted 16,370 works by 969 authors from 63 provinces and cities throughout the country and 7 countries. and territories sent entries for the contest. This is a testament to the interest and love of many tourists, especially photographers, for Vietnam’s tourism industry.

Việt Nam - Thiên đường du lịch

Nguyen Ngoc Hoa’s “Lak Lake Elephant Racing” won third prize at the 8th National Tourism Art Photography Competition. According to the judging board, the 8th National Tourism Art Photography Competition performed well in the unique, diverse and rich characteristics of Vietnamese beauty. in very diverse areas: natural landscapes, human portraits, customs and traditions, cultural-natural heritage, festivals… with a unique, new and attractive perspective.

Việt Nam - Thiên đường du lịch

Tran Anh Tuan’s work “Fly away, Vietnam” won third prize at the 8th National Tourism Art Photography Competition

Việt Nam - Thiên đường du lịch

Le Duc Dat’s work “Fairy Cave Stalactites” won third prize in the 8th National Tourist Art Photography Contest. Thanks to the winning works and selection for the exhibition, domestic and foreign tourists will understand and love the country and people of Vietnam more and will want to do so. experiment and explore to preserve breathtaking moments for themselves by participating in Vietnam travel programs.

Việt Nam - Thiên đường du lịch

“Love Season” by Le Thai Duong, “Family of the Red-shanked Douc Langur” by Ha Phuoc Thanh won consolation prizes at the 8th National Tourism Art Photography Competition

Việt Nam - Thiên đường du lịch The work “Where Happiness Begins” by Tran Cao Bao.

According to the Vietnam National Tourism Administration, in the first six months of 2018, Vietnam welcomed nearly 8 million international visitors, an increase of 27.2% over the same period in 2017, revenue from accommodation and food services tourism revenues, which accounted for 12.3% of the total and increased by 9.6%, reached VND 19.6 trillion, representing 0.9 % of the total and an increase of 19.5% compared to the same period last year.

Việt Nam - Thiên đường du lịch

Việt Nam - Thiên đường du lịch The work “Children of the Mountain God” by Le Huu Thiet

Việt Nam - Thiên đường du lịch and the work “Sea Flower” by Nguyen Tien Dung won the award for the photograph with the most likes and most shares through Social Networks.

Việt Nam - Thiên đường du lịch The work “Lotus Hoa Thang” by Do Huu Tien.

Việt Nam - Thiên đường du lịch The work “The Tea Hill of Nghe An” by Nguyen Canh Hung

Việt Nam - Thiên đường du lịch The work Ghenh Da Dia by author Giang Son Dong.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, Deputy Director General of the Vietnam National Tourism Administration, said that the reason why “the remarkable achievements mentioned above have been achieved is because the tourism industry has always implemented drastic and synchronous many practical solutions, so the work of “Promotion of tourism in Vietnam is always one of the main priority tasks.”

Việt Nam - Thiên đường du lịch The work “Moss Season of Hang Cau – Ly Son” by author Nguyen Tan Tuan (HCMC)/Photo source: Organizing Committee of the 8th Tourist Art Photography Contest

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