Enormous 319 kg American-produced lion-tiger hybrid, dubbed the “largest feline in the world.” The shape is like a “sabre-tooth.”

A GIANT beast dubbed the world’s biggest cat is drawing comparisons with the terrifying prehistoric sabre-toothed tiger.

Incredible clips of the monster-sized liger – the hybrid offspring of a lion and a tiger – have sparked an amazing reaction after they were uploaded on YouTube and Instagram.


Giant Apollo was seen with Mike Holston (right) and conservationist Kody AntleCredit: YOUTUBE / THE REAL TARZANN

image The monster-sized liger is the hybrid offspring of a lion and a tigerCredit: Instagram

Mike Holston, who has the social media name The Real Tarzann, showed off one astonishing clip of him taking the 705lb (319kg) beast for a walk with a pal.

The huge feline – called Apollo – was seen with Mike and wildlife conservationist Kody Antle in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, reports the Star.

On the clip Kody says: “This big guy’s name is Apollo and he is the biggest cat on the planet.”

Mike then adds: “Now the question is, what would this thing eat? I believe it would eat everything in sight, anything in sight.

“I think a pack of these things would take down a herd of elephants on the regular for a snack.

“Such a majestic beast, and it can get up to 40 miles an hour in a couple of steps.”

And those that have seen the remarkable clip and others of Mike with Apollo are clearly very impressed.

On seeing a separate Instagram video, one even said the giant cat was the same size of a sabre-tooth tiger – which went extinct 42,000 years ago.

Another person said: “That ain’t no cat, that’s a monster.” A third said: “This liger is INSANE.”

Ligers are mostly found in zoos and are the largest big cat in the world weighing up to 795lb – almost double the weight of either a lion or tiger.

They can reach an outstanding length of 12ft and stand more than six ft tall.

image The huge feline weighs in at 705lb, which is around 319kgCredit: Instagramimage This incredible image shows just how big the big cat isCredit: instagram

image Ligers are mostly found in zoos and are the largest big cat in the world, weighing up to 795lbCredit: YOUTUBE / THE REAL TARZANN

image Apollo is being compared to the sabre–tooth tiger which went extinct 42,000 years ago.Credit: Getty – Contributor

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