Explore the wonders of 17 extraordinary and fascinating tree houses around the world

Many of us have dreamed of having a treehouse as children, a secluded place where we could escape our parents and start our own top-secret hideaway. Surprisingly, in some cultures, tree houses are considered a routine part of daily life rather than a novelty. For example, the Korowai people reside indefinitely in tree houses in New Guinea. These elevated houses are used to protect your property and food from floods and animals by raising everything above ground.


Luckily, treehouses are no longer just an imaginary getaway or a distant dream. Today, architects and designers have created incredible treehouse hotels for both children and adults to experience a unique form of relaxation. These modern treehouses have evolved beyond traditional wooden cabins and now feature multiple floors and glass or mirrored details to provide an exotic vacation destination. So if you’re looking to fulfill your childhood dream, consider staying in one of these gorgeous treehouses for your next vacation. Share your favorite treehouse ideas with us in the comments below! Note: This post may contain affiliate links. 1. A three-story tree house in British Columbia, Canada is just one of many options available.


Why choose a one-story treehouse when you can have a three-story one? This impressive structure, rumored to be the tallest of its kind in British Columbia, Canada, is located somewhere near Revelstoke. (Image source: imgur.com) 2. Treehouse with special features (Sweden)


The Mirror House, part of the Tree Hotel project in northern Sweden, goes almost unnoticed and is a great place to hide. However, there are concerns that the house could make it difficult for birds to see. The house designed by Tham Videgard is an exceptional sight but its design can cause some problems.

Additionally, the Bird’s Nest Tree House in Sweden is another exceptional place to stay.


The team behind the famous Tree Hotel has built a treehouse that can easily fool furry creatures. From a distance, the building looks like a giant nest, but inside is a modern, luxurious room built with premium materials. Inredningsgruppen.se is credited with the design of this amazing creation. This particular treehouse is called HemLoft Treehouse and you can find it in Whistler, Canada.


Joel Allen, a retired software developer at age 26, pursued his passion for woodworking and fulfilled his dream of creating something impressive. He never expected his personal project, a treehouse in Muskoka, Ontario, Canada, to be recognized in international design publications. (Credit to Joel Allen for the image)


Lukasz Kos is the mind behind the impressive 4Treehouse, built around four trees on Muskoka Lake in Ontario, Canada. It gives the impression of a giant Japanese lantern floating in the air on pillars. (Image credit: imgur.com)

Travel to the Minister’s Tree House in Crossville, Tennessee, USA.


Horace Burgess built the world’s tallest tree house, 100 feet tall, in Crossville, Tennessee. The amazing structure is built entirely from reclaimed wood. Yellow Treehouse Restaurant is a must-see destination for those who love beautiful architecture and creative design. (Image source: imgur.com)


If you’re looking for a truly unique dining experience, head to this restaurant located in Auckland, New Zealand. With a design naturally intertwined with a tree, the restaurant can accommodate 18 people at a time. The talented designers behind this masterpiece are Peter Eising and Lucy Gauntlett.

Moving on, you can find another great treetop dining experience in Seattle, USA.


The Free Spirit Sphere tree houses in Canada are magical. Not only do they look like something out of a fairy tale, but they are also equipped with a rope bridge leading to the entrance. (Credit goes to jasfitz for images.)


Skillfully and creatively crafted, these unique spheres are carefully hung like pendants through a network of ropes. They provide a special place that nurtures the wild nature in each of us. (Image source: freespiritspheres.com)

10. Takashi Kobayashi’s tree house (Japan)


The people at Tree House, led by Takashi Kobayashi, created a project that aims to eliminate the disconnect between humans and nature. One of his projects is the Revolving Tree House at the Center for the Elderly in Ghent, Belgium.


Belgium organized a special art festival called TRACK: Contemporary City Transformation, where Benjamin Verdonck created a unique tree house. These miniature versions of the back houses have been artistically sculpted and look very impressive. Another great innovation is O2 Treehouse from the US.


The idea behind O2 Treehouse is to encourage people to rethink their relationship with nature and find ways to live in harmony with it. This is achieved by creating treehouse communities around the world. An example of such a community is the Andu Momofuku Center Tree House for Birds and People in Japan.


Nendo has come up with a unique and modern treehouse design that gives you the opportunity to observe the daily habits of birds. The house is divided into two parts, separated by a wall with small holes so people can observe the activities of birds on the other side. Another attractive treehouse worth noting is the eco-friendly Finca Bellavista Treehouse located in Costa Rica.


The Finca Bellavista treehouse community in Costa Rica is incredibly self-sustaining and eco-friendly, including this stunning banana treehouse. Spread over 600 acres, the community is connected by suspension bridges and offers a truly unique experience. (Image credit: Anders Birch)


This unique house in Yamanashi, Japan, may not be your typical treehouse but is certainly a sight to behold. Tetsu Teahouse was built entirely from recycled materials by architect Terunobu Fujimori and is located on top of a small hill, surrounded by trees. It serves as a tea room for guests and has stunning views of the surrounding landscape. The exterior is made of charred cedar, giving it a rustic and natural look. Inside, the walls are covered with tatami mats and there is a traditional Japanese charcoal stove for heat. This one-of-a-kind tea house is a must-see for those who appreciate unique architecture.


Terunobu Fujimori, an architect known for his unique style, created a treehouse that combines modern minimalism and fantasy elements. The structure’s interior is sleek and modern, while the exterior looks like something out of a storybook. (Image source: Amazon.com) 17. UFO tree house (Sweden)


Tree Hotel in Sweden has taken a unique approach by building a unique UFO tree house, after they first created the Bird’s Nest tree house. (Photo source: treehotel.se)

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