Rescued Dog Endures 6 Years with Severe Salivary Tumor, Finally Receives Care from Dedicated Owners

The Unseen Pain: Sweet Dog’s Silent Suffering from a Severe Salivary Tumor for 6 Years, Abandoned and Finally Treated by Its Owners.


After his young dogs ignored his enormous salivary tυmor for an incredible six years, the sweet dog finally received veterinary care. According to the Log Way Home rescue group, Jake was adored by his extended family, but they took him to the doctor when his face began to swell.


“Jake has had salivary heart disease for SIX YEARS, according to the owners, as they believed he was caused by radio biting. He was raised as an indoor dog and is exceptionally well behaved, is trained to go to the bathroom, gets along well with other dogs and even knows how to get rid of himself.” According to the organization


After Jake was discovered wandering in a remote area of ​​Texas last week, Cribs for Capipees began working to convince his family to hand over possession so Jake could receive the veterinary care he needed. I needed Jake is being treated in Waco and has already felt substantial relief after having a large volume of fluid drained from him. According to what was stated by the organization.

We are grateful to the great staff at the Texas Aimal Medical Center in Waco, where Dr. Lide and his colleagues have been treating Jake and removing 1,200 cc of salivary fluid from his peak. (Look at the last two shots to see what a difference it made!)


“For the FIRST TIME IN SIX YEARS, Jake was able to turn his head. That’s something so easy to achieve! He is eaten and defecated adequately, he is in good spirits and, in general, he seems to be in good health.” According to the agency

There are no guarantees that Jake will make a full recovery, but devoted people are working tirelessly to give him the best chance possible. Follow their rescuers on Facebook by clicking here.

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