Adorable Abandoned Puppy Desperately Seeks Adoption, Captures Police Officer’s Heart in a Street Chase

A little puppy was awestruck after being saved from a life on the streets by a real-life hero.

The tiny pup was aimlessly wandering the streets of Los Angeles, all alone and with no one to take care of him, when he spotted two policemen.

The pup decided to ask them for help and stumbled towards them on his tiny feet.

LAPD Hollywood Division
LAPD Hollywood Division

When the two policemen, Officer Mercado and Officer Tavera, noticed the puppy, they knew that they had to rescue the poor little sweetheart.

He was clearly desperate for someone to love and protect him, and far too young to care for himself.

LAPD Hollywood Division

The officers picked the pup up and brought him back with them to the station.

In the car ride over, the puppy was cuddled up in the lap of Officer Tavera, and he could not stop staring with adoration at his rescuers.

LAPD Hollywood Division

The puppy, nicknamed “Hobart” after the street he was found on, was filled with joy and gratefulness.

And he was in total awe of Officer Mercado.  His tiny little heart was filled to the brim with love for his hero.

LAPD Hollywood Division

Hobart was brought to the police station where he was given an honorary K-9 title.

Everyone at the station fell in love with the teensy pup, and Hobart loved all the attention.

LAPD Hollywood Division

But at the end of the day, he had his sights set on one special person: Mercado.

And luckily for Hobart, Mercado decided to make him the happiest little puppy in the world and adopted him.

LAPD Hollywood Division

Little Hobart is now living happily with his own personal hero and finally has the safe and loving home he always wanted and deserved.

The LAPD shared Hobart’s and Mercado’s sweet story on Twitter, and it’s touched many hearts.

We’re all so happy that Hobart got his happy ending.

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