Artistic Mastery: The Village Weaver Emanating in Vibrant Yellow (Video)

imageThere are well over 10,000 species of birds in the world, with more species being discovered each year, some even thought to have been extinct.

Some soar from country to country, even continent to continent, escaping freezing temperatures. Others are residents of one particular habitat and remain there all year round.

imagePhoto Courtesy of Bernard DUPONT / CC BY-SA 2.0

To achieve this some birds have developed various survival tactics passed on from generation to generation, such as how and where to get food, or how to build a nest. One such bird is the Village Weaver, colored a bright shade of yellow, these birds possess the skills that would make many a human craftsman jealous.

imagePhoto Courtesy of 孫鋒 林 / CC BY-SA 2.0

Village Weavers can be found in Mauritania, Ethiopia, and South Africa. These small, gregarious, highly skilled birds like partially open-range areas, such as woodlands, forests, or areas near rivers.

They can also be found in many towns, villages, and hotels, chatting away in loud bird song.

imagePhoto Courtesy of Francesco Veronesi / CC BY-SA 2.0

Having the ability to be rather loud, if not obnoxious birds, the weaving skill these birds possess cannot be ignored, and in fact, is really quite amazing. Male birds take on the role of nest builder and only use each nest they make once. Males make up to 3-5 nests, each nest taking anywhere from 9-14 hours to complete.

imagePhoto Courtesy of Åsa Berndtsson / CC BY 2.0

The nest is made up of reed strips, grass, leaves, and or palm blades, weaved into an intricate kidney-like shape, with an entrance near the bottom of the new, would be home. Village Weavers attach their woven grass nests to branches on free-standing trees.

imagePhoto Courtesy of jim_2wilson / Public domain

It’s no coincidence why these yellow birds coined the name ‘Village Weavers’. Their complex woven designed nest will leave your head at a slight turn. How do they braid all of those grass pieces with their beaks? It’s definitely amazing to watch them in action weaving strand by strand.

imagePhoto Courtesy of dany13 / CC BY 2.0

The Village Weaver mates from early September all the way through October and also from January into February. The male Village Weaver breeds with up to 5 females each breeding season. What exactly draws female Village Weavers to the males? well, it has everything to do with their epic architecture abilities.

imagePhoto Courtesy of Bernard DUPONT / CC BY-SA 2.0

After a male is finished making his beautiful woven nest he defends his territory while also attracting the females to his nest. We’re pretty sure the males are saying “Hey look at my sweet crib” and it works every time. The females about 2-5 eggs and once they’re hatched the males help feed the baby chicks.

imagePhoto Courtesy of Francesco Veronesi / CC BY-SA 2.0

These talented weavers could teach us a thing or two about braiding. If we had these talents we could make all sorts of nifty things. But for now, we’ll appreciate the Village Weaver’s marvelous ability to weave these elaborate nests with just their beaks. Nature is truly fascinating and these bright birds sure have a knack for homemaking!

imagePhoto Courtesy of Benh LIEU SONG / CC BY-SA 2.0

Now you know if you ever come across one of these incredible nests, a Village Weaver is somewhere close. Watch the video below to get a glimpse of how these crafty birds make their homes.

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