Avian Kaleidoscope: A Noir-Adorned Head, Azure Crown, Radiant Green Plumage, and Sunlit Face with Throat Accent

Many of us find tiny and chubby birds to be incredibly cute, and when they have unique plumage, they become even more endearing. These birds are stunningly beautiful and catch our attention whenever they appear. It’s almost as if Mother Nature has given them a special advantage.

The long-tailed broadbill is one such bird that is sure to capture your heart. It has a fluorescent green coat and a yellow face and throat with a yellow patch behind each eye. On top of that, it wears a black helmet-like cap with a beautiful blue patch on top. The wings and tail also have this stunning blue shade, making this bird look like a flying gem.


It’s important to note that the young birds don’t have the beautiful coat that adult birds have. They have a shorter tail, green head, and generally overall duller plumage.




The long-tailed broadbill is a non-migratory species that can be found in the Himalayas, Myanmar, South-East Asia, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo. They prefer living in forests, streams, and creeds, tropical and subtropical lowland forests, and tropical and subtropical moist mountain forests.


Despite their wide distribution, the population of these birds is currently stable. They are listed as “least concern” on the ICUN Red list of threatened species.


The long-tailed broadbill mainly feeds on small insects, but they occasionally feed on frogs, berries, and fruits if they are available nearby.

During the breeding season, the female long-tailed broadbill builds her nest, which is large and pear-shaped. This nest is made from fine roots, dead leaves, creepers, and moss and is attached to the branch of a tall tree. She then lays six eggs in her nest, incubates them, and feeds the hatchlings until they are fully fledged.



If you are a fan of these beautiful birds, don’t hesitate to share this article with your family and friends. They might enjoy learning about these fascinating creatures as much as you did!

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