Meet the 5,484-Year-Old ‘Great-Grandfather’ Tree – The Oldest in the World!

A four-meter-thick Patagonian cypress tree that may be the oldest living tree on Earth has been found by researchers in Chile. This ancient tree, known as the Great-Grandfather, beats the current record holder by over 600 years.

A recent study focused on the coniferous tree, also known as Alerce Milenario in Spanish. Under the direction of Jónathan Barichivich, a scientist from Chile, research at the Climate and Environmental Sciences Laboratory in Paris has shown that this tree may be as ancient as 5,484 years, which is at least 600 years older than the previous estimate.

According to an article from The Guardian, Maisa Rojas, who serves as Chile’s Environment Minister and is a member of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, has praised a recent scientific discovery as marvelous.

It’s interesting to note that the gigantic redwoods and the Patagonian cypress (Fitzroya cupressoides) are related. The Patagonian cypress is a native tree of Argentina and Chile. Baričević tried to get a sample from the Great-Grandfather in 2020, but his drill could not reach its core. Instead, he used computer models to determine the tree’s age, taking into account environmental factors and random variations.

Since Barićhivić hasn’t been able to accurately count the tree’s rings to determine its age, he has yet to publish an estimation in a scientific journal. However, he has expressed his hope to make up for it in the upcoming months.

If these findings are validated, the age of the alert Milepani would surpass that of Methuselah, a smooth pine tree in California that is currently recognized as the world’s oldest tree at 4,853 years old, by 600 years.

Meet Methuselah, a Great Basin bristlecone pine tree that holds the title of the oldest tree in the world.Found growing high in the White Mountains of Inyo County, eastern California, it is an astounding 4,853 years old. The Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, which is home to mosses, lichens, and other plants that flourish in its cracks, provides protection for this past candidate for the title of longest living thing. However, Methuselah’s existence is threatened by visitors who walk around its trunk and droughts caused by global warming, according to Barichivich.

The majestic Alerce Mileenario stands tall and proud. Its power and beauty are demonstrated by this breathtaking picture taken by Faoch. Over 2.3 million hectares are covered by logging plantations in the southern part of the nation, according to the Chilean Forestry Institute. For Chile, the manufacture of cellulose is a significant industry.

In Chile, natural forest has lost more than 780,000 hectares since 1973, despite the fact that non-native pine trees and water-hungry eucalyptus plantations comprise about 93% of the country. It is our sincere hope that Great-Grandfather and other wilderness counterparts will survive human activity

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