The Enchanting Journey of Golden Retriever Parents Showcasing Exceptional Care for Their Newly Arrived Puppies

Family is everything in anyone’s life. In particular, both humans and other animal species present with parental instincts and guardianship as the significant commonalities when dealing with their young ones.

In this video, the Golden Retriever couple has just shown the world that even dogs have extraordinary parenting abilities as they welcome their newborns. In addition, the proud couple has been demonstrated that if done right, parenting can be an adorable thing.

It is believed that while a mother carries her children in the womb for months, a father will take them in the brain as long as they will live. However, in this case, the male Golden Retriever has proven otherwise as he appears very comfortable while watching after his wife and seven newborns.

Here, the Golden Retrievers reveal how touching it is when a couple develops the feeling that their family (particularly the newborns) should get nothing but the best as they undeniably share their love as they watch their pups having a nap.

Here, mom and dad show their bond as complete naturals as they nurse and take care of their football team-sized family without having to break the doggy sweat. The couple indicates that love can be shared without considering the number of children.

Conversely, it looks like the pet owner was adequately prepared to deal with the situation as he a cleverly thought yet highly adorable color-coordinated identification scheme with each pup having a distinct bandana around the neck.

However, the bandanas won’t be required for long as the pups start to bloom and grow into adorable boys and girls. It would be creative for the owner to get one of two hell-raisers installed between the bunch.

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