Tiny abandoned kitten raised by a mother dog as one of her puppies

A newborn kitten was abandoned in a dirty alley without a mom in Washington. Thankfully, a kind person saved the poor kitten and took her to the Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service (SCRAS) in Spokane.

Image Credit: JAMIE MYERS

The little kitten named Nala was a young age and had never known how a mother’s love was, so she needed to be placed with a foster family. Luckily, two special moms took to her and started raising her like their own, helping her grow up strong.

Image Credit: JAMIE MYERS

The first mother of Nala is a cat who has recently lost a number of her babies. “She was about a week and a half younger than my group, so I said, ‘My mama is pretty wonderful. She’s been very accepting so let’s see if she can’t nurse,’” Jamie Myers, the owner of the cat, told The Dodo. “Nala nursed straight away, and Mama took her in instantly. She started licking her, grooming her, and showing her acceptance and love.”

Image Credit: JAMIE MYERS

However, it was time to let the mama cat and her babies find a new home, and Nala was alone again as she wasn’t big enough to be adopted.

“She did everything later than the rest of the group,” Myers said. “When they all opened their eyes, she still had her eyes closed, and when they started toddling about, she was still latched onto Mama nursing.”

Image Credit: JAMIE MYERS

But not for long, a mother dog named Izzy, who had recently had puppies, saw Nala in need of motherly love. So, she decided to adopt the kitten and nurse her as one of her puppies.

Image Credit: JAMIE MYERS

Nala was quickly familiar with her new family: “She would get in and out of [the pen] on her own. So when she was done snuggling, she’d get out and go eat her kitten food and play for a little while, and then she’d go right back in,” Myers said. “Whenever she wanted to sleep, she was always in there sleeping with them.”

Image Credit: JAMIE MYERS

Thanks to the love and care of three foster families—Izzy, the cat, and Myers—Nala grew strong and was ready to find a forever home. When Nala left the house, the dog was so sad. Myers decided to foster two kittens who needed some love and attention. And of course, Izzy was happy and cared for the kittens as her own.

Image Credit: JAMIE MYERS

Izzy is a great mother who proves that love has no boundaries, no matter the species. Please share if you love this story!

h/t: The Dodo

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