Turtle with two heads found in India

The extraordinary two-headed turtle has survived despite all the obstacles

Greek tortoises typically live over 100 years. Some of them suffer from a series of genetic problems and are born with two heads, but in this case their life expectancy is abruptly shortened. Normally, these curious animals do not manage to live more than a couple of years.

This turtle weighs just over a kilogram.


They have great difficulty moving and cannot protect themselves as effectively as turtles do by hiding their heads in their shells. However, Janus has arrived to make history. It is a turtle that was born in the Museum of Natural History in Geneva, Switzerland.

Janus owes its name to the Roman god Janus, represented with two heads.


At first, specialists warned about the short life expectancy of a turtle like Janus; but the friendly little animal has done nothing but defy the worst forecasts and leave everyone speechless. In a couple of weeks he will turn 23 years old.

Jano was born on September 3, 1997.


There are no precise records about this, but many are sure that this is the record of a Greek tortoise with two heads. At the museum, the turtle is given a lot of attention and its health status is constantly monitored to ensure that it never lacks for anything.

“He has led a long life with a strict routine: daily baths, sun sessions, a diet based on lettuce and tomato. He does not have an active 𝓈ℯ𝓍 life,” said a museum spokesperson.


In Roman mythology, the god Janus had two heads: one to see the past and one to see the future. The friendly tortoise from Switzerland has fewer responsibilities and simply worries about his sunbathing and his well-deserved snacks with some extra lettuce.

Janus was born from an egg that was in an incubator.


For years she lived in a terrarium designed especially for her. However, it has grown quite a bit, so they are building a new place that better suits its needs.

Each Janus head has a separate brain, but it appears that the right one is more dominant.

Everyone became so fond of Janus that they decided to make him the museum’s official mascot. Many people go there with the sole purpose of getting to know her. After all, this is a very curious animal that has managed to make history.

Did you know that there was an animal as special as Janus? Share this curious news to celebrate how far this turtle has come.

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